How to Photograph Paintings for Fine Art Prints

Posted by Jessica G. | Posted in , , , , | Posted on Monday, June 21, 2010

When trying to replicate a painting for fine art prints, there are two factors that determine your success: your DSLR photography skills and good photo quality inkjet paper. Here are a few tips:

-Avoid using a flash. It will create reflections on the painting and make it looked washed out.
-Take several photographs of the painting using various shutter speeds and light settings to have a good selection of photographs.
-Watch out for bright lights behind the painting that could wash out the photo.  If possible drape a dark cloth behind the painting, as it will keep light from leaking over the edges of the painting.
-Don’t stand too close to the painting when photographing it and similarly, don’t use a wide angle lens setting. Your best bet is to stand about 4-6 feet back and use an ordinary lens or telephoto lens.
-Allow some of the background to be included in the shot so you can crop the image using photo editing software.
-Using a slow shutter speed will increase the focal depth and make the image more focused.
- Be sure to hold the camera very still when shooting to avoid shake and in turn, a blurry final product. 

Once you're done touching up the photo with your editing software, you're ready to print it out on the photo quality inkjet paper of your choosing. 

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